Thursday, November 29, 2012

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Impact of Technology and Multimedia

What Impact does technology and multimedia have on online learning environments?

Technology and multimedia have a significant impact in online learning environments. It is incorporates the use of the Internet, mobile phones, computers, electronics and print media. As society continues to grow, technology will as well. Technology has allowed online learning to impede through communicating views, ideas, and information with audio, video, blogs, and any other programs that can be used to interact among learners. Technology has made a positive effect on leaners attitudes towards learning. Learners feel more successful in school and are motivated to learn when using a computer-based instruction.

What are the most important considerations an online instructor should make before implementing technology?

The most important considerations an online instructor should make before implementing technology is making sure the technology that is being used is serving the purpose and the accessibility requirements are met. The instructor needs to use tools that will be useful for the course in meeting the learner’s needs. In addition, the instructor needs to be clear in their course requirements and processes for communicating explicit, leading the launch of the course learning community, and ensuring that all learners are engaged (Boettcher & Conrad, 2010).

What implications do usability and accessibility of technology tools have for online teaching?

In order for the course to be successful for the instructor as well as the learners, it is imperative that the technology tools be available in a method that is beneficial to learning and instructing. It is important to test for any type of malfunction before the course starts so that the course can run smoothly.

What technology tools are most appealing to you for online teaching as you move forward in your career in instructional design?

The technology that is most appealing to me is incorporating different types of video and audio tools into a design. For one of my previous assignments, I had the opportunity to create a video using Animoto. Animoto is a great website that is user friendly and allows you to be creative. I am very interesting in learning new technology.


Boettcher, J. V., & Conrad, R. (2010). The Online Teaching Survival Guide. Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips. Jossey-Bass.

Animoto. (2012). Creating stunning videos! Retrieved from


Thursday, November 15, 2012

Week 3 Assignment Setting Up an Online Learning Experience

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Setting up An Online Learning Experience

  • CB Tip 1- Course Launch Preparations: The Essential Course Elements of an Online Course
  • CB Tip 2- Hitting the Road Running- How Not to Lose the first Week
  • CB Tip 3- How an Online Syllabus is Different
  • CB Tip 4- Launching Your Social Presence in Your Course
  • CB Tip 5- Getting to Know Student’s Minds Individually: The Vygotsky Zone of Proximal Development
  • CB Tip 6- Getting into the Swing of a Course: Is There an Ideal Weekly Rhythm?
  • CB Tip 7- The why and how Discussion Boards: Their Role in the Online Course
  • CB Tip 8- Characteristics of Good Discussion Questions
  • CB Tip 9- Managing and Evaluating Discussion Postings
  • CB Tip 10- The Faculty Role in the First Weeks: Required and Recommended Actions (Boettcher & Conrad, 2010).
  • Using these tips will allow the instructor to build a foundation for the course.

    What is the significance of knowing the technology available to you?

    The importance of knowing technology is necessary.  As an instructor, if you do not have the knowledge behind the technology it will not do you any good. It is impossible to teach something that you are not familiar with. In addition, it significant to use different technology tools in the class in order to keep up with today society. We are in ever changing world.

    Why is it essential to communicate clear expectations to learners?

    When you communicate clear expectations to the learners, this would enable the learners to know what the expected outcome should be for the course. In addition, it shows that they are not confused about assignments and reduces correspondence between teacher and student.

    What additional considerations should the instructor take into account when setting up an online learning experience?

    The instructor should take in consideration the learning styles of individuals. Each individual is different. Also, make sure all the content is taught throughout the time allotted.


    Boettcher, J & Conrad, R. (2010) The Online Teaching Survival Guide: Simple and Practical Pedagogical Tips. Jossey-Bass.

    Thursday, November 1, 2012

    Online Learning Communities

    Untitled Document

    Week 1- Application- Blog Assignment: Online Learning Communities

    How do online learning communities significantly impact both student learning and satisfaction within online courses?

    Online learning communities are a community of students and faculty who explore content together to construct meaning and knowledge about the content (Palloff & Pratt, 2012). Learning communities impact both student learning and satisfaction within online courses through the process of delivering information and collaboration. Engaging learners to collaborate can increase participation and connection. This would allow learners to feel they are achieving information that is required for the course and have the sense of worth.

    What are the essential elements of online community building?

    The essential elements of online community building are people, purpose, process, method, and social presence (Palloff & Pratt, 2012). These elements can help the learners to accomplish what he/she does not understand by sharing. Collaboration and sharing would allow the learners to interact with social networks, which are designed in the community.

    How can online learning communities be sustained?

    Online learning can be sustained if everyone participate and take accountability. The facilitator is a critical component to the learning environment (Palloff & Pratt, 2012). It is important that the facilitator create an environment that students feel comfortable and want to learn. The learners can be held accountable for their interactions within the course.

    What is the relationship between community building and effective online instruction?

    The benefits of the learning community model would increase learners satisfaction, increase perception of learning, make the learners feel that they are a part of something big, and social pressure to succeed (Palloff & Pratt, 2012). If the instructor does not create an environment of warmth, this will cause learners to drop out of the course. It is important for the instructor to make the course to feel inviting rather than cold and formal (Palloff & Pratt, 2012).

    Palloff, R., & Pratt, K. (2012). Online Learning Communities. Laureate Education, Inc. Retrieved from

    Texas Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching. (2010). TRC Online Learning Community. Retrieved from